
Hello! I’m Amanda. Welcome to my SEO world.

In the last 3 years, I have:

  • Increased sales by 59% which equates over $40,000 in revenue 
  • Increased organic traffic by over 300% with $0 on paid ads
  • Spearhead brand awareness campaigns that resulted in a substantial increase of 8,884 leads
  • Amplified audience engagement by an impressive 50.7%
  • Improved client’s website average position from 56.6 to 36.4
  • Got relevant posts ranking on page 1 of Google

And what I find most interesting? I did all this for Startups. 

In 3 years of my SEO journey, I’ve learnt a few things about Startups and why they require special attention. 

Getting results for a startup differs entirely from well established companies with a credible online presence.

Most Startups in the field are competing with companies that have been around for decades and wonder why they’re not moving as fast as they desire. 

I’ll tell you why.

Time, Quality and Consistency. 

Your competitors have been on Google for over 10 years with Domain Authorities of 70+ while your newly established website has just 1 or 2 if you’re lucky. 

So how do you expect to compete with them?

It’s not easy, but it is doable.

In my years of SEO, I’ve learned skills and techniques on how to scale websites, increase revenue and thrive regardless of whether you’re a startup or your competitor is doing 10x better than you are. 

These are the same skills and techniques which helped me generate over $40,000 in revenue, increase Organic Traffic by 313%, get over 8,000 leads, increase engagement by 50.7%, and improve Google rankings from page 27 to page 1. 

I understand the challenges that Startups face and I’m here to help you overcome them.

So if you’re a startup looking to improve your website’s SEO, I’d be happy to chat with you and see how I can help.

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